
Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Tribute to a Boy

Now this is a special blog post.  Its kind of like a tribute.  A tribute to someone I admire and who inspires.  To someone who has taught me and stretched me.  To someone who is wise and humble.  To someone who is talented and creative.  To someone who makes me laugh and dance.   To someone who is handsome and cute.  To someone who is motivating and hard working.  To someone who I respect and love.  Its a tribute to my Jordy.  All just because.  All because I couldn't stop myself from capturing all he does best.  It needed to be recorded.  Still does.  And I still will. 

Here are some photos up to now.  Photos of working.  Photos of practicing.  Photos of playing.  Photos of a mix. 
Also Jordy's amazing original hindi song is at the bottom.  Check it out. (:
